
Exit the A 67/E 34 at number 40, Velden/Kasteeltuinen. Follow the direction Velden, after the village you find Haykeshof on about 2 km. at your lefthand side.

Public transportation:
From railwaystation Venlo busline 83 to Nijmegen. About 2 Km. after Velden you see Haykeshof at your left. Bus stop “De Voort” in Lomm is 300 meter further.

Exit the A 73 at number 11, Horst. Follow the direction Lottum. Turn right in the center of the village (Lottum) on the end of the road, turn left after the village square, direction of Lomm and Arcen. Take the ferry over the river Maas and turn right on the main road. After the village of Lomm (petrolstation) you find Haykeshof on about 2 km. at your righthand side.

Arriving at Airport Weeze (Germany) you may rent a car overthere:
Exit the airport and turn right on the main road. Take the first exit (right) at the roundabout after the village. Following this road will lead you to the main road (N 271) at Well. Turn left in the direction of Venlo. After the village of Lomm you find Haykeshof in about 2 km. at your righthand side.
There are direct flights to Airport Niederrhein from various destinations in Europe, check their website for details.

Lilian and Wim van Wylick
Rijksweg 4
5941 AE Velden
Limburg, Netherlands
Tel./fax: +31 (0) 642593844
